Teaching and Instructional Design

Programs and Services

Artificial Intelligence

  • McKenzie, Lindsay. "A New Home for AI: the Library." inside Higher Ed, 17 Jan. 2018.
    opens new windowhttps://www.insidehighered.com/news/2018/01/17/rhode-island-hopes-putting-artificial-intelligence-lab-library-will-expand-ais-reachopens new window
    • The 600-square-foot AI lab will be located on the library’s first floor and will offer beginner- to advanced-level tutorials in areas such as robotics, natural language processing, smart cities, smart homes, the internet of things, and big data."
    • "The lab will also provide a space for faculty members, students and the local community to discuss the social and ethical implications of these technology developments. Faculty may also use the space for teaching, and will be encouraged to incorporate AI topics into their syllabi."
    • "The lab has received support across university departments and counts faculty members from engineering, computer science and philosophy backgrounds among its co-founders. The lab will be built with funding from the Champlin Foundation, donors and funds from the university’s engineering department. It will be staffed by instructors and grad students and be stocked with multiple high-powered computers and laptops, in addition to various robots and Amazon Echo, Google Home and IoT devices.”
    • "Unlike a typical AI lab focused on research, the URI AI Lab will offer students and instructors the chance to learn new computing skills, and also encourage them to deepen their understanding of AI and how it might affect their lives, through a series of talks and workshops."
  • McKenzie, Lindsay. "Pushing the Boundaries of Learning with AI." inside Higher Ed, 26 Sept. 2018.
    opens new windowhttps://www.insidehighered.com/digital-learning/article/2018/09/26/opens new windowacademics-push-expand-use-ai-higher-ed-teaching-and-learning
  • Popenici, Stefan, and Sharon Kerr. "Exploring the Impact of AI on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education." Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 23 Nov. 2017. opens new windowhttps://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s41039-017-0062-8 ​opens new windowView PDF
    Excerpt: “The study [of artificial intelligence] is to proceed on the basis of the conjecture that every aspect of learning or any other feature of intelligence can in principle be so precisely described that a machine can be made to simulate it.” (Russell and Norvig2010).”
  • Roat, Maria. " Digital Transformation Artificial Intelligence and the Workforce." CIO.GOV, 22 June 2018. opens new windowhttps://www.cio.gov/2018/06/22/emerging-tech-roundtable.html
    Discusses from a CIO’s perspective the impact of AI on higher education and the coming workforce.
    Excerpt: “ Skills and qualifications needed to perform these jobs will be fundamentally different than what we see in the workforce today, and new educational curriculum for grades K-12 as well as higher education is lagging.”
  • "URI opens first artificial intelligence lab housed in a university library." URI Today, 25 Sept. 2018. opens new windowhttps://today.uri.edu/news/uri-opens-first-artificial-intelligence-lab-housed-in-a-university-library/
    Details an AI lab created by the University of Rhode Island that lives in the Library.

Virtual Reality


Channel 6 News Broadcast Video:
opens new window ORU Students Using Virtual Reality To Help Children In Need by Reagan Ledbetter,Tuesday, Mar. 5, 2019. (1:47 mins.)