Selected Book and ebook Titles

Database Search Strategies

Search your key concepts with "ethics" related terms in the nursing databases.

opens new window"pediatric nursing" AND SU (ethic* OR values OR moral*)- ~40 results; limits 2014-2017; full-test; multiple EBSCO databases

ethics AND culture - ~2,267 results in Ovid; limited to "nursing" and "Ovid Full Text Available." (shown below) To view the search results: Go to opens new windowOvid Core Nursing Collection. Under "All Resources" mark "Your journals at Ovid" then click "OK." Key in ethics and culture. Set limits and/or subsets. On your search results page, under "Filter by date," choose "current year."


opens new windowNational Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
Provides access to biomedical and genomic information.


Sample Journal Titles:

opens new windowAmerican Journal of Bioethics (in MEDLINE) - Full text: 2001-present with a 18 month delay due to publisher restrictions.
Covers all areas of bioethics.

opens new windowThe Journal of Nursing Administration (JONA) - Full text available in Ovid.
"Provides knowledge, strategies, and ideas for nurse administration. Contents are aimed at upper level nursing executive."

Using MESH 2023

In opens new windowCINAHL or opens new windowMEDLINE, use the MeSH (Medical Subject Terms) 2019 to identify subjects to include in your search.

1) Click Subjects, Thesaurus or MeSH 2018in the blue menu bar.
2) Key in your term in the browse text box.
3) Mark the checkboxes of relevant subjects. Click Add.

Medline Subjects

Marked subjects are added to the search boxes, where you can add additional terms to focus your search.