Guides to Style Manuals

Style Manuals

Citation Tools

Create your own personal EBSCOhost account by clicking "Sign in" from any EBSCO database and then "Create your own account." Save the user name and password you select. Whenever you want to access what you've saved to your personal folder or add to it, sign in from any EBSCOhost database or from EagleSearch. To save items to your EBSCOhost folder, click the title of the item and then the folder icon on that record.

My EBSCOhost Folder Tutorial

When on campus, go to Ebook Central and the "sign-in" link in the upper right menu, and sign in using your ORU Network user name and password to set up and access your personal Ebook Central bookshelf. If you are off campus and use ORU's single sign-on when you access Ebook Central, you will be signed into your account automatically.

In the upper, right-hand corner of the ProQuest dissertation database, click the icon of a person and "Sign into My Research." First-time users may create an account. Thereafter, sign in as an existing user.

To add a citation of an item in a database to the bibliography of your research project, click the "cite" link or icon provided, select the desired citation style, and copy and paste the citation into the document. Please note: all machine-generated citations must be carefully proofread and corrected to conform to style manual guidelines.

EBSCOhost Cite IconHow Do I Cite This? Link in Library Catalog

To organize downloaded journal and book chapter PDFs, give it a file name that includes the author's last name and the first few words of the article or chapter title, then save to one of a set of folders in the cloud and/or on your hard drive that is arranged by the section of the research paper or assignment to which it relates.