Article Formats

If an article is not available full text (HTML, PDF or similar) in the database(s) you are using, it may be elsewhere in the library. For example, in addition to full text online, articles are available in current issues, bound volumes and on microform. Some full text health sciences, sport and exercise periodicals are available in the opens new windowHLSS Research library .

Hard Copy - Print and Paper

Bound periodicalsCurrent print periodical titles, including magazines, are shelved on the last row of shelves on the 2nd floor. To see if the library has a certain title, search Journal Finder+.

Bound volumes are stored at the Annex at CityPlex.

For more information or assistance, inquire at the Library Services Desk on the first floor of the J.D. McKean Library, or use the online options available at opens new windowAsk-A-Librarian.


A strip of film wound on a spool that contains images of the journal/magazine pages

Microform cabinetsStored at the Annex at CityPlex.

For more information or assistance, inquire at the Library Services Desk on the first floor of the J.D. McKean Library, or use the online options available at opens new windowAsk-A-Librarian.