Library Search Tools

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opens new windowEagleSearch

Search for books, articles, and more... EagleSearch searches most ORU Library content at once and includes results from both print and electronic resources. For search tips, view this opens new windowvideo tutorial.

opens new window Library Catalog

Search for books, ebooks, periodicals, DVDs, audiobooks and other media housed in the library.

For search tips, view this video tutorial.

opens new windowJournal Finder+

Find periodicals (including journals, magazines and newspapers) available in print or online through the ORU Library. Search by periodical title. For search tips, view this opens new windowvideo tutorial.

opens new windowLibrary Databases

The library licenses nearly 200 databases and provides links to many open source databases. These databases provide current students, faculty, and staff with 24/7 access to online resources including

  • periodicals, including magazines, newspapers, and scholarly journals
  • ebooks
  • streaming videos
  • special reports, data, and statistics
  • downloadable audiobooks

Library Guides and Tutorials

Learn more about using library tools such as the library catalog and databases by viewing library tutorials.

Find recommended sources, search strategy suggestions, tips on citing sources and more by viewing these library subject and course guides.