Combination searching:

Combine keyword and subject searching or multiple subjects.
Combine a previous searches or add new terms to a previous search.

Database Limiters:

In psychology databases, use the limiters listed on Advanced Search to refine your search and for targeted results.
For example, your search may include multiple terms, such as adolescent OR teen OR young adult or youth. Do these terms represent the same age group? As shown below, using Age Group limiters opens new windowAPA PsycARTICLES can target articles for a specific age group.

PsycArticles Limiter

Date, Peer-Reviewed, Methodology, Classification, Tests & Measures, Populations, Gender, Age Group (shown above), and other limiters may be available to use in a database to refine your search.

Sample Searches

Click a link below to go to the search results for several sample topics. Compare the types of searches and their results.
DE = Descriptor or subject term

TOPIC: What are causes or factors that contribute to bipolar depression in women.

TOPIC: Does self-talk build confidence?

TOPIC: Is behavior modification an effective treatment for teen eating disorders and other teen mental health disorders?

TOPIC: Do videos games have a negative effect on a child's development?