Core Databases

Law, Jurisprudence,  Political Science

Sample Subject Links

For articles on nursing ethics in CINAHL and MEDLINE databases, search medical subject headings, such as "nursing ethics" shown in the images below. Mark the subject heading and subheadings, then click Search Databases. Add keywords to your search to narrow your results.

Example: CINAHL - Subject heading for "nursing ethics"

Mesh-nursing ethics

Example: MEDLINE - MESH 2020 for "nursing ethics"

MESH 202

Search Examples with Links to Results

Examples below show searches using subject heading. Links go to the search result and article list.

opens new windowMH "Codes of Ethics"+/LJ = [Major Heading "Codes of Ethics" and subheading "Legislation & Jurisprudence/LJ" in MEDLINE]

opens new window(MH "Codes of Ethics+/LJ") AND (MH "nurse's role") [in MEDLINE]

opens new window(MH "Codes of Ethics") AND (MH "nurse's role") [in MEDLINE]


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